Working with Encodings

Now that we have an understanding of how to extract the label-related information from our targets, let us consider how to instantiate (or infer) a label-encoding, and what we can do with it once we have one. In particular, these encodings will enable us to transform the targets from one representation into another without losing the ability to convert them back afterwards.

Inferring the Encoding

In many cases we may not want to just simply assume or guess the particular encoding that some user-provided targets are in. Instead we would rather let the targets themself inform us what encoding they are using. To that end we provide the function labelenc().

labelenc(vec) → LabelEncoding

Tries to determine the most approriate label-encoding to describe the given vector vec, based on the result of label(vec). Note that in most cases this function is not typestable, because the eltype of vec is usually not enough to infer the encoding or number of labels reliably.

Parameters:vec (AbstractVector) – The classification targets in vector form.
Returns:The label-encoding that is deemed most approriate to describe the values found in vec.
julia> labelenc([:yes,:no,:no,:maybe,:yes,:no])

julia> labelenc([-1,1,1,-1,1])

julia> labelenc(UInt8[0,1,1,0,1])

julia> labelenc([false,true,true,false,true])

For matrices we allow an additional (but optional) parameter with which the user can specify the array dimension that denotes the observations.

labelenc(mat[, obsdim]) → LabelEncoding

Computes the concrete matrix-based label-encoding that is used, by determining the size of the matrix for the dimension that is not used for denoting the observations.

  • mat (AbstractMatrix) – An numeric matrix that is assumed to be in the form of a one-hot encoding or similar.
  • obsdim (ObsDimension) – Optional. Denotes which of the two array dimensions of mat denotes the observations. It can be specified as a type-stable positional argument or a smart keyword. Defaults to Obsdim.Last(). see ?ObsDim for more information.

The label-encoding that is deemed most approriate to describe the structure and values found in mat.

julia> labelenc([0 1 0 0; 1 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1])

julia> labelenc(Float32[0 1; 1 0; 0 1; 0 1], obsdim = 1)

Asserting Assumptions

When writing a function that requires the classification targets to be in a specific encoding (for example \(\{1, -1\}\) in the case of SVMs), it can be useful to check if the user-provided targets are already in the appropriate encoding, of if they first have to be converted. To check if the targets are of a specific encoding, or family of encodings, we provide the function islabelenc().

islabelenc(vec, encoding) → Bool

Checks if the given values in vec can be described as being produced by the given encoding. This function does not only check the values but also for the correct type. Furthermore it also checks if the total number of labels is appropriate for what the encoding expects it to be.

  • vec (AbstractVector) – The classification targets in vector form.
  • encoding (LabelEncoding) – A concrete instance of a label-encoding that one wants to work with.

True, if both the values in vec as well as their types are consistent with the given encoding.

julia> islabelenc([0,1,1,0,1], LabelEnc.ZeroOne(Int))

julia> islabelenc([0,1,1,0,1], LabelEnc.ZeroOne(Float64))

julia> islabelenc([0,1,1,0,1], LabelEnc.MarginBased(Int))

julia> islabelenc(Int8[-1,1,1,-1,1], LabelEnc.MarginBased(Int8))

julia> islabelenc(Int8[-1,1,1,-1,1], LabelEnc.MarginBased(Int16))

julia> islabelenc([2,1,2,3,1], LabelEnc.Indices(Int,3))

julia> islabelenc([2,1,2,3,1], LabelEnc.Indices(Int,4)) # it allows missing labels

julia> islabelenc([2,1,2,3,1], LabelEnc.Indices(Int,2)) # more labels than expected

Similar to label() we treat matrices in a special way to account for the fact that information about the number of labels is contained in the size of a matrix and not its values. Additionally the user has the freedom to choose which matrix dimension denotes the observations.

islabelenc(mat, encoding[, obsdim]) → Bool

Checks if the values and the structure of the given matrix mat is consistent with the specified encoding. This functions also checks for the correct type and dimensions.

  • mat (AbstractMatrix) – The classification targets in matrix form.
  • encoding (LabelEncoding) – A concrete instance of a matrix-based label-encoding that one wants to work with.
  • obsdim (ObsDimension) – Optional. Denotes which of the two array dimensions of mat denotes the observations. It can be specified as a type-stable positional argument or a smart keyword. Defaults to Obsdim.Last(). see ?ObsDim for more information.

True, if the values in mat, its eltype, and the shape of mat is consistent with the given encoding.

julia> islabelenc([0 1 0 0; 1 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1], LabelEnc.OneOfK(Int,3))

julia> islabelenc([0 1 0 0; 1 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1], LabelEnc.OneOfK(Int8,3))

julia> islabelenc([1 1 0 0; 1 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1], LabelEnc.OneOfK(Int,3)) # matrix is not one-hot

julia> islabelenc([0 1 0 0; 1 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1], LabelEnc.OneOfK(Int,4)) # only 3 rows

julia> islabelenc([0 1; 1 0; 0 1; 0 1], LabelEnc.OneOfK(Int,2), obsdim = 1)

julia> islabelenc(UInt8[0 1; 1 0; 0 1; 0 1], LabelEnc.OneOfK(Int,2), obsdim = 1)

julia> islabelenc(UInt8[0 1; 1 0; 0 1; 0 1], LabelEnc.OneOfK(UInt8,2), obsdim = 1)

So far islabelenc() was very restrictive concerning the element types of the given target array. In many cases, however, we may not actually care too much about the concrete numeric type but only if the encoding-scheme itself is followed. In fact we usually don’t want to be restrictive about concrete types at all, since we have Julia’s multiple-dispatch system to take care of that later on. In other words we may be more interested in asserting if the labels of the given targets belong to a family of possible label-encodings.

islabelenc(vec, type) → Bool

Checks is the given values in vec can be described as being produced by any possible instance of the given type. In other word this function checks if the labels in vec can be described as being consistent with the family of label-encodings specified by type. This means that the check is much more tolerant concerning the eltype and the total number of labels, since some families of encodings are approriate for any number of labels.

  • vec (AbstractVector) – The classification targets in vector form.
  • type (DataType) – Any subtype of LabelEncoding{T,K,1}

True, if the values in vec are consistent with the given family of encodings specified by type.

julia> islabelenc([0,1,1,0,1], LabelEnc.ZeroOne)

julia> islabelenc(UInt8[0,1,1,0,1], LabelEnc.ZeroOne)

julia> islabelenc([0,1,1,0,1], LabelEnc.MarginBased)

julia> islabelenc(Float32[-1,1,1,-1,1], LabelEnc.MarginBased)

julia> islabelenc(Int8[-1,1,1,-1,1], LabelEnc.MarginBased)

julia> islabelenc([2,1,2,3,1], LabelEnc.Indices)

julia> islabelenc(Int8[2,1,2,3,1], LabelEnc.Indices)

julia> islabelenc(Int8[2,1,2,3,1], LabelEnc.Indices{Int}) # restrict type but not nlabels

We again provide a special version for matrices.

islabelenc(mat, type[, obsdim]) → Bool

Checks is the values and the structure of the given matrix mat can be described as being produced by any possible instance of the given type. This means that the check is much more tolerant concerning the eltype and the size of the matrix, since some families of encodings are approriate for any number of labels.

  • mat (AbstractMatrix) – The classification targets in matrix form.
  • type (DataType) – Any subtype of LabelEncoding{T,K,2}
  • obsdim (ObsDimension) – Optional. Denotes which of the two array dimensions of mat denotes the observations. It can be specified as a type-stable positional argument or a smart keyword. Defaults to Obsdim.Last(). see ?ObsDim for more information.

True, if the values in mat are consistent with the given family of encodings specified by type.

julia> islabelenc([0 1 0 0; 1 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1], LabelEnc.OneOfK)

julia> islabelenc(Int8[0 1 0 0; 1 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1], LabelEnc.OneOfK)

julia> islabelenc([1 1 0 0; 1 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1], LabelEnc.OneOfK) # matrix is not one-hot

julia> islabelenc([0 1; 1 0; 0 1; 0 1], LabelEnc.OneOfK, obsdim = 1)

julia> islabelenc(UInt8[0 1; 1 0; 0 1; 0 1], LabelEnc.OneOfK, obsdim = 1)

julia> islabelenc(UInt8[0 1; 1 0; 0 1; 0 1], LabelEnc.OneOfK{Int32}, obsdim = 1) # restrict type but not nlabels

Properties of an Encoding

Once we have an instance of some label-encoding, we can compute a number of useful properties about it. For example we can query all the labels that an encoding uses to represent the classes.

label(encoding) → Vector

Returns all the labels that a specific encoding uses in their approriate order.

Parameters:encoding (LabelEncoding) – The specific label-encoding.
Returns:The unique labels in the form of a vector. In the case of two labels, the first element will represent the positive label and the second element the negative label respectively.
julia> label(LabelEnc.ZeroOne(UInt8))
2-element Array{UInt8,1}:

julia> label(LabelEnc.MarginBased())
2-element Array{Float64,1}:

julia> label(LabelEnc.Indices(Float32,5))
5-element Array{Float32,1}:

For convenience one can also just query for the label that corresponds to the positive class or the negative class respectively. These helper functions are only defined for binary label-encoding and will throw an MethodError for multi-class encodings.


If the encoding is binary it will return the positive label of it. The function will throw an error otherwise.

Parameters:encoding (LabelEncoding) – The specific label-encoding.
Returns:The value representing the positive label of the given encoding in the approriate type.
julia> poslabel(LabelEnc.ZeroOne(UInt8))

julia> poslabel(LabelEnc.MarginBased())

julia> poslabel(LabelEnc.Indices(Float32,2))

julia> poslabel(LabelEnc.Indices(Float32,5))
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching poslabel(::MLLabelUtils.LabelEnc.Indices{Float32,5})

If the encoding is binary it will return the negative label of it. The function will throw an error otherwise.

Parameters:encoding (LabelEncoding) – The specific label-encoding.
Returns:The value representing the negative label of the given encoding in the approriate type.
julia> neglabel(LabelEnc.ZeroOne(UInt8))

julia> neglabel(LabelEnc.MarginBased())

julia> neglabel(LabelEnc.Indices(Float32,2))

julia> neglabel(LabelEnc.Indices(Float32,5))
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching neglabel(::MLLabelUtils.LabelEnc.Indices{Float32,5})

We can also query the number of labels that a concrete encoding uses. In other words we can query the number of classes the given label-encoding is able to represent.

nlabel(encoding) → Int

Returns the number of labels that a specific encoding uses.

Parameters:encoding (LabelEncoding) – The specific label-encoding.
julia> nlabel(LabelEnc.ZeroOne(UInt8))

julia> nlabel(LabelEnc.NativeLabels([:a,:b,:c]))

More interestingly, we can infer the number of labels for a family of encodings. This allows for some compile time decisions, but only work for some types of encodings (i.e. binary).

nlabel(type) → Int

Returns the number of labels that the family of encodings type can describe. Note that this function will fail if the number of labels can not be inferred from the given type.

Parameters:type (DataType) – Some subtype of LabelEncoding{T,K,M} with a fixed K
Returns:The type-parameter K of type.
julia> nlabel(LabelEnc.ZeroOne)

julia> nlabel(LabelEnc.NativeLabels)
ERROR: ArgumentError: number of labels could not be inferred for the given type

We can also query a family of encodings for their label-type. In this case we decided to not throw an error if the type can not be inferred but instead return the most specific abstract type.

labeltype(type) → DataType

Determine the type of the labels represented by the given family of label-encoding. If the type can not be inferred than Any is returned.

Parameters:type (DataType) – Some subtype of LabelEncoding{T,K,M}
Returns:The type-parameter T of type if specified, or the most specific abstract type otherwise.
julia> labeltype(LabelEnc.TrueFalse)

julia> labeltype(LabelEnc.ZeroOne{Int})

julia> labeltype(LabelEnc.ZeroOne)

julia> labeltype(LabelEnc.NativeLabels)

Converting to/from Indices

As stated before, the order of the of label() matters. In a binary setting, for example, the first label is interpreted as the positive class and the second label as the negative class. This is simply the arbitrary convention that we follow. That said, even in a multi-class setting it is important to be consistent with the ordering. This is crucial in order to make sure that converting to a different encoding and then converting back yields the original values.

Every encoding understands the concept of a label-index, which is a unique representation of a class that all encodings share. For example the positive label of a binary label-encoding always has the label-index 1 and the negative 2 respectively.

To convert a label-index into the label that a specific encoding uses to represent the underlying class we provide the function ind2label().

ind2label(index, encoding)

Converts the given index into the corresponding label defined by the encoding. Note that in the binary case, index = 1 represents the positive label and index = 2 the negative label.

This function supports broadcasting.

  • index (Int) – Index of the desired label. This variable can be specified either as an Int or as a Val. Note that indices are one-based.
  • encoding (LabelEncoding) – The encoding one wants to get the label from.

The label of the specified index for the specified encoding.

julia> ind2label(1, LabelEnc.MarginBased(Float32))

julia> ind2label(Val{1}, LabelEnc.MarginBased(Float32))

julia> ind2label(2, LabelEnc.MarginBased(Float32))

julia> ind2label(3, LabelEnc.OneOfK(Int8,4))
4-element Array{Int8,1}:

julia> ind2label(3, LabelEnc.NativeLabels([:a,:b,:c,:d]))

julia> ind2label.([1,2,2,1], LabelEnc.ZeroOne(UInt8)) # broadcast support
4-element Array{UInt8,1}:

We also provide inverse function for converting a label of a specific encoding into the corresponding label-index. Note that this function does not check if the given label is of the expected type, but simply that it is of the appropriate value.

label2ind(label, encoding) → Int

Converts the given label into the corresponding index defined by the encoding. Note that in the binary case, the positive label will result in the index 1 and the negative label in the index 2 respectively.

This function supports broadcasting.

  • label (Any) – A label in the format familiar to the encoding.
  • encoding (LabelEncoding) – The encoding to compute the label-index with.

The index of the specified label for the specified encoding.

julia> label2ind(1.0, LabelEnc.MarginBased())

julia> label2ind(-1.0, LabelEnc.MarginBased())

julia> label2ind([0,0,1,0], LabelEnc.OneOfK(4))

julia> label2ind(:c, LabelEnc.NativeLabels([:a,:b,:c,:d]))

julia> label2ind.([1,0,0,1], LabelEnc.ZeroOne()) # broadcast support
4-element Array{Int64,1}:

Converting between Encodings

In the case that the given targets are not in the encoding that your algorithm expects them to be in, you may want to convert them into the format you require. For that purpose we expose the function convertlabel().

convertlabel(dst_encoding, src_label, src_encoding)

Converts the given input label src_label from src_encoding into the corresponding label described by the desired output encoding dst_encoding.

Note that both encodings are expected to be vector-based, meaning that this method does not work for LabelEnc.OneOfK. It does, however, support broadcasting.

  • dst_encoding (LabelEncoding) – The vector-based label-encoding that should be used to produce the output label.
  • src_label (Any) – The input label one wants to convert. It is expected to be consistent with src_encoding.
  • src_encoding (LabelEncoding) – A vector-based label-encoding that is assumed to have produced the given src_label.

The label from dst_encoding that corresponds to src_label in src_encoding

julia> convertlabel(LabelEnc.OneOfK(2), -1, LabelEnc.MarginBased()) # OneOfK is not vector-based
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching [...]

julia> convertlabel(LabelEnc.NativeLabels([:a,:b,:c,:d]), 3, LabelEnc.Indices(4))

julia> convertlabel(LabelEnc.ZeroOne(), :yes, LabelEnc.NativeLabels([:yes,:no]))

julia> convertlabel(LabelEnc.ZeroOne(), :no, LabelEnc.NativeLabels([:yes,:no]))

julia> convertlabel(LabelEnc.MarginBased(Int), 0, LabelEnc.ZeroOne())

julia> convertlabel(LabelEnc.NativeLabels([:a,:b]), -1, LabelEnc.MarginBased())

julia> convertlabel.(LabelEnc.NativeLabels([:a,:b]), [-1,1,1,-1], LabelEnc.MarginBased()) # broadcast support
4-element Array{Symbol,1}:

Aside from the one broadcast-able method that is implemented for converting single labels, we provide a range of methods that work on whole arrays. These are more flexible because by having an array as input these methods have more information available to make reasonable decisions. As a consequence of that can we consider the “source-encoding” parameter optional, because these methods can now make use of labelenc() internally to infer it automatically.

convertlabel(dst_encoding, arr[, src_encoding][, obsdim])

Converts the given array arr from the src_encoding into the dst_encoding. If src_encoding is not specified it will be inferred automaticaly using the function labelenc(). This should not negatively influence type-inference.

Note that both encodings should have the same number of labels, or a MethodError will be thrown in most cases.

  • dst_encoding (LabelEncoding) – The desired output format.
  • arr (AbstractArray) – The input targets that should be converted into the encoding specified by dst_encoding.
  • src_encoding (LabelEncoding) – The input encoding that arr is expected to be in.
  • obsdim (ObsDimension) – Optional. Only possible if one of the two encodings is a matrix-based encoding. Defines which of the two array dimensions denotes the observations. It can be specified as a type-stable positional argument or a smart keyword. Defaults to Obsdim.Last(). see ?ObsDim for more information.

A converted version of arr using the specified output encoding dst_encoding.

julia> convertlabel(LabelEnc.NativeLabels([:yes,:no]), [-1,1,-1,1,1,-1])
6-element Array{Symbol,1}:

julia> convertlabel(LabelEnc.OneOfK(Float32,2), [-1,1,-1,1,1,-1])
2×6 Array{Float32,2}:
 0.0  1.0  0.0  1.0  1.0  0.0
 1.0  0.0  1.0  0.0  0.0  1.0

julia> convertlabel(LabelEnc.TrueFalse(), [-1,1,-1,1,1,-1])
6-element Array{Bool,1}:

julia> convertlabel(LabelEnc.Indices(3), [:no,:maybe,:yes,:no], LabelEnc.NativeLabels([:yes,:maybe,:no]))
4-element Array{Int64,1}:

It may be interesting to point out explicitly that we provide special treatment for LabelEnc.OneVsRest to conveniently convert a multi-class problem into a two-class problem.

julia> convertlabel(LabelEnc.OneVsRest(:yes), [:yes,:no,:no,:maybe,:yes,:yes])
6-element Array{Symbol,1}:

julia> convertlabel(LabelEnc.ZeroOne(Float64), [:yes,:no,:no,:maybe,:yes,:yes], LabelEnc.OneVsRest(:yes))
6-element Array{Float64,1}:

We also allow a more concise way to specify that your are using a LabelEnc.NativeLabels encoding by just passing the label-vector directly, that you would normally pass to its constructor.

julia> convertlabel([:yes,:no], [-1,1,-1,1,1,-1])
6-element Array{Symbol,1}:

julia> convertlabel(LabelEnc.Indices(3), [:no,:maybe,:yes,:no], [:yes,:maybe,:no])
4-element Array{Int64,1}:

In many cases it can be inconvenient that one has to explicitly specify the label-type and number of labels for the desired output-encoding. To that end we also allow the output-encoding to be specified in terms of an encoding-family (i.e. as DataType).

convertlabel(dst_family, arr[, src_encoding][, obsdim])

Converts the given array arr from the src_encoding into some concrete label-encoding that is a subtype of dst_family. This way the method tries to preserve the eltype of arr if it is numeric. Furthermore, the concrete number of labels need not be specified explicitly, but will instead be inferred from src_encoding.

If src_encoding is not specified it will be inferred automaticaly using the function labelenc(). This should not negatively influence type-inference.

  • dst_family (DataType) – Any subtype of LabelEncoding{T,K,M}. It denotes the desired family of label-encodings that one wants the return value to be in.
  • arr (AbstractArray) – The input targets that should be converted into some encoding specified by the type dst_family.
  • src_encoding (LabelEncoding) – The input encoding that arr is expected to be in.
  • obsdim (ObsDimension) – Optional. Only possible if one of the two encodings is a matrix-based encoding. Defines which of the two array dimensions denotes the observations. It can be specified as a type-stable positional argument or a smart keyword. Defaults to Obsdim.Last(). see ?ObsDim for more information.

A converted version of arr using a label-encoding that is member of the encoding-family dst_family.

julia> convertlabel(LabelEnc.OneOfK, Int8[-1,1,-1,1,1,-1])
2×6 Array{Int8,2}:
 0  1  0  1  1  0
 1  0  1  0  0  1

julia> convertlabel(LabelEnc.OneOfK{Float32}, Int8[-1,1,-1,1,1,-1], obsdim = 1)
6×2 Array{Float32,2}:
 0.0  1.0
 1.0  0.0
 0.0  1.0
 1.0  0.0
 1.0  0.0
 0.0  1.0

julia> convertlabel(LabelEnc.TrueFalse, [-1,1,-1,1,1,-1])
6-element Array{Bool,1}:

julia> convertlabel(LabelEnc.Indices, [:no,:maybe,:yes,:no], LabelEnc.NativeLabels([:yes,:maybe,:no]))
4-element Array{Int64,1}:

For vector-based encodings (which means all except LabelEnc.OneOfK), we provide a lazy version of convertlabel() that does not allocate a new array for the outputs, but instead creates a MappedArray into the original targets.

convertlabelview(dst_encoding, vec[, src_encoding])

Creates a MappedArray that provides a lazy view into vec, that makes it look like the values are actually of the provided output encoding new_encoding. This means that the convertion happens on the fly when an element of the resulting mapped array is accessed. This resulting mapped array will even be writeable, unless src_encoding is LabelEnc.OneVsRest.

Note that both encodings are expected to be vector-based, meaning that this method does not work for LabelEnc.OneOfK.

  • dst_encoding (LabelEncoding) – The desired vector-based output encoding.
  • vec (AbstractVector) – The input targets that one wants to convert using dst_encoding. It is expected to be consistent with src_encoding.
  • src_encoding (LabelEncoding) – A vector-based label-encoding that is assumed to have produced the values in vec.

A MappedArray or ReadonlyMappedArray that makes vec look like it is in the encoding specified by new_encoding

julia> true_targets = [-1,1,-1,1,1,-1]
6-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> A = convertlabelview(LabelEnc.NativeLabels([:yes,:no]), true_targets)
6-element MappedArrays.MappedArray{Symbol,1,...}:

julia> A[2] = :no
julia> A
6-element MappedArrays.MappedArray{Symbol,1,...}:

julia> true_targets
6-element Array{Int64,1}:

Classifying Predictions

Some encodings come with an implicit interpretation of how the raw predictions of some model (often denoted as \(\hat{y}\), written yhat) should look like and how they can be classified into a predicted class-label. For that purpose we provide the function classify() and its mutating version classify!().

classify(yhat, encoding)

Returns the classified version of yhat given the encoding. That means that if yhat can be interpreted as a positive label, the positive label of encoding is returned. If yhat can not be interpreted as a positive value then the negative label is returned.

This methods supports broadcasting.

  • yhat (Number) – The numeric prediction that should be classified into either the label representing the positive class or the label representing the negative class
  • encoding (LabelEncoding) – A concrete instance of a label-encoding that one wants to work with.

The label that the encoding uses to represent the class that yhat is classified into.

For LabelEnc.MarginBased the decision boundary between classifying into a negative or a positive label is predefined at zero. More precisely a raw prediction greater than or equal to zero is considered a positive prediction, while any strictly negative raw prediction is considered a negative prediction.

julia> classify(-0.3f0, LabelEnc.MarginBased()) # defaults to Float64

julia> classify.([-2.3,6.5], LabelEnc.MarginBased(Int))
2-element Array{Int64,1}:

For LabelEnc.ZeroOne the assumption is that the raw prediction is in the closed interval \([0, 1]\) and represents a degree of certainty that the observation is of the positive class. That means that in order to classify a raw prediction to either positive or negative, one needs to decide on a “threshold” parameter, which determines at which degree of certainty a prediction is “good enough” to classify as positive.

julia> classify(0.3f0, LabelEnc.ZeroOne(0.5)) # defaults to Float64

julia> classify(0.3f0, LabelEnc.ZeroOne(Int,0.2))

julia> classify.([0.3,0.5], LabelEnc.ZeroOne(Int,0.4))
2-element Array{Int64,1}:

We recognize that such a probabilistic interpretation of the raw predicted value is fairly common. So much so that we provide a convenience method for when one is working under the assumption of a LabelEnc.ZeroOne encoding.

classify(yhat, threshold)

Returns the classified version of yhat given the decision margin threshold. This method assumes that yhat denotes a probability and will either return zero(yhat) if yhat is below threshold, or one(yhat) otherwise.

This methods supports broadcasting.

  • yhat (Number) – The numeric prediction. It is assumed be a value between 0 and 1.
  • threshold (Number) – The threshold below which yhat will be classified as 0.

The classified version of yhat of the same type.

julia> classify(0.3f0, 0.5)

julia> classify(0.3f0, 0.2)

julia> classify.([0.3,0.5], 0.4)
2-element Array{Float64,1}:

For matrix-based encodings, such as LabelEnc.OneOfK we provide a special method that allows to optionally specify the dimension of the matrix that denote the observations.

classify(yhat, encoding[, obsdim])

If yhat is a vector (i.e. a single observation), this function returns the index of the element that has the largest value. If yhat is a matrix, this function returns a vector of indices for each observation in yhat.

  • yhat (AbstractArray) – The numeric predictions in the form of either a vector or a matrix.
  • encoding (LabelEncoding) – A concrete instance of a matrix-based label-encoding that one wants to work with.
  • obsdim (ObsDimension) – Optional iff yhat is a matrix. Denotes which of the two array dimensions of yhat denotes the observations. It can be specified as a type-stable positional argument or a smart keyword. Defaults to Obsdim.Last(). see ?ObsDim for more information.

The classified version of yhat. This will either be an integer or a vector of indices.

julia> pred_output = [0.1 0.4 0.3 0.2; 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.2; 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.6]
3×4 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.1  0.4  0.3  0.2
 0.8  0.3  0.6  0.2
 0.1  0.3  0.1  0.6

julia> classify(pred_output, LabelEnc.OneOfK(3))
4-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> classify(pred_output', LabelEnc.OneOfK(3), obsdim=1) # note the transpose
4-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> classify([0.1,0.2,0.6,0.1], LabelEnc.OneOfK(4)) # single observation

Similar to other functions we expose a version that can be called with a family of encodings (i.e. a type with free type parameters) instead of a concrete instance.

classify(yhat, type)

Returns the classified version of yhat given the family of encodings specified by type. That means that if yhat can be interpreted as a positive label, the positive label of that family is returned (and the negative otherwise). Furthermore, the type of yhat is preserved.

This method supports broadcasting.

  • yhat (Number) – The numeric prediction that should be classified into either the label representing the positive class or the label representing the negative class
  • type (DataType) – Any subtype of LabelEncoding{T,K,1}

The classified version of yhat of the same type.

julia> classify(0.3f0, LabelEnc.ZeroOne) # threshold fixed at 0.5

julia> classify(0.3, LabelEnc.ZeroOne)

julia> classify(4f0, LabelEnc.MarginBased)

julia> classify(-4, LabelEnc.MarginBased)
classify(yhat, type[, obsdim])

If yhat is a vector (i.e. a single observation), this function returns the index of the element that has the largest value. If yhat is a matrix, this function returns a vector of indices for each observation in yhat.

  • yhat (AbstractArray) – The numeric predictions in the form of either a vector or a matrix.
  • type (DataType) – Any subtype of LabelEncoding{T,K,2}
  • obsdim (ObsDimension) – Optional iff yhat is a matrix. Denotes which of the two array dimensions of yhat denotes the observations. It can be specified as a type-stable positional argument or a smart keyword. Defaults to Obsdim.Last(). see ?ObsDim for more information.

The classified version of yhat. This will either be an integer or a vector of indices.

julia> pred_output = [0.1 0.4 0.3 0.2; 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.2; 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.6]
3×4 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.1  0.4  0.3  0.2
 0.8  0.3  0.6  0.2
 0.1  0.3  0.1  0.6

julia> classify(pred_output, LabelEnc.OneOfK)
4-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> classify(pred_output', LabelEnc.OneOfK, obsdim=1) # note the transpose
4-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> classify([0.1,0.2,0.6,0.1], LabelEnc.OneOfK) # single observation

We also provide a mutating version. This is mainly of interest when working with LabelEnc.OneOfK(), in which case broadcast is not defined on the previous methods.

classify!(out, arr, encoding[, obsdim])

Same as classify, but uses out to store the result. In the case of a vector-based encoding this will use broadcast internally. It is mainly provided to offer a consistent API between vector-based and matrix-based encodings.

For convenience we also provide boolean version that assert if the given raw prediction could be interpreted as either a positive or a negative prediction.

isposlabel(yhat, encoding) → Bool

Checks if the given value yhat can be interpreted as the positive label given the encoding. This function takes potential classification rules into account.

julia> isposlabel([1,0], LabelEnc.OneOfK(2))

julia> isposlabel([0,1], LabelEnc.OneOfK(2))

julia> isposlabel(-5, LabelEnc.MarginBased())

julia> isposlabel(2, LabelEnc.MarginBased())

julia> isposlabel(0.3f0, LabelEnc.ZeroOne(0.5))

julia> isposlabel(0.3f0, LabelEnc.ZeroOne(0.2))
isneglabel(yhat, encoding) → Bool

Checks if the given value yhat can be interpreted as the negative label given the encoding. This function takes potential classification rules into account.

julia> isneglabel([1,0], LabelEnc.OneOfK(2))

julia> isneglabel([0,1], LabelEnc.OneOfK(2))

julia> isneglabel(-5, LabelEnc.MarginBased())

julia> isneglabel(2, LabelEnc.MarginBased())

julia> isneglabel(0.3f0, LabelEnc.ZeroOne(0.5))

julia> isneglabel(0.3f0, LabelEnc.ZeroOne(0.2))